Questions 11 through 15 are based on the following passage.
A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the intestines of
humans and animals. Some tapeworms attach themselves to the
intestinal wall by means of suckers in their heads. Others float
freely in the intestines and absorb food through the walls of
(Line 5) their bodies.
A tapeworm consists of numerous segments. When a
new segment forms, the older ones move to the back of the
animal. Each segment contains hermaphroditic sexual organs
(that is, male and female organs). The uterus of each segment
(Line 10) fills with eggs, which develop into embryos. Generally, when
the eggs are ready to hatch, the segment breaks off and is
eliminated through the host's excretory system.
These embryos hatch, develop into larvae, and grow to
adults only if ingested by an intermediate host. One may be
(Line 15) infected by tapeworms by eating under- cooked beef, pork, or
fish. Symptoms include irregular appetite, abdominal
discomfort, anemia, weakness, and nervousness.
11. Why does the author describe the tapeworm's life cycle and infection process?